If you are new to this blog, you are probably wondering a few things.
1. What is Freebee?
Freebee is based on the belief that pure internet traffic is worth something. It is the owners belief that if we buy really good stuff and give it away on a regular basis, the site will generate enough traffic and ad revenue to pay for the giveaways and more! In short it is ad supported free stuff. No need to enter your personal information, all we need is for you to enter a comment into the current giveaway. You will need a google or blogger account until we can host our own site.
2. Is the stuff really free?
Yes. No strings. You do NOT need to complete any offers or giveout any personal information or anything. We do NOT harvest email addresses, and we never will. Our business model is based on the belief that we can make enough ad revenue to pay for the stuff we are giving away. In the future we hope to have stuff given to us, but for now we buy it and we give it away.
3. Where does Freebee get its give aways?
We buy it. Sometimes we buy new stuff off of ebay and sometimes we buy stuff directly from a manufacturer. Our business model is based on the belief that we can make enough ad revenue to pay for the stuff we are giving away. In the future we hope to have stuff given to us, but for now we buy it and we give it away.
4. How do I enter?
Just enter a comment, any comment, into the comments section of the appropriate post. We post the giveaway on Monday, and announce the winner the next Monday. You have to have entered your comment by Friday 12 Midnight Pacific. That's all.
5. How often can I enter?
Please only enter once per giveaway. We realise many of our giveaway participants have multiple accounts. However, if you are caught entering more than once in a giveaway, you will be banned for life. If you want to increase your chances, encourage your friends and family to enter on your behalf.
6. How does Freebee make money?
As you have probably noticed, we are not shy about putting ads up on our site. That is where our money comes from. We give stuff away in hopes that the traffic is enough to pay for the stuff we buy. It's just that simple.
7. How often are there giveaways?
Due to the unproven nature of this business model, and the fact that I'm poor, the giveaways are once a week. Once the traffic justifies it, we would like to do these once a day. When we start doing the give aways more often, you will know its working. If we stop operating the site, you will know its not working.
8. How is the winner chosen?
We use excel to calculate a random number. Whatever number it generates is the winner. We announce the winner and the winner then contacts us with their contact info so we can deliver the prize.
9. How do I know if I won?
You will have to check back at the site when we post the winner.
10. How do I collect the prize if I win?
We want to keep this as anonymous as possible. We don't really care what your contact information is uless you win. What we do want is for you to have google account. That is the only way we can verify who someone is. It will be up to you to send us your mailing address. Otherwise we'll choose a new winner.